barcode lips

What does it do?

Barcode lip lines, also known as vertical lip lines, can develop above your lips due to a combination of aging, collagen loss, and repetitive muscle use from daily activities. Despite the common misconception, these lines are often found in non-smokers.

At NÜ Clinic, we often advocate for a combination of treatments to achieve the best results for this area. A very fine filler and anti-wrinkle injections are often employed to relax the muscles around the lips and improve the appearance of barcode lines.

  • For milder cases of barcode lines, Botox® alone may be sufficient to achieve improvement. However, if you have experienced a loss of lip volume, we strongly recommend addressing this with lip fillers first. This approach enhances structural support, texture, and hydration within the lips.

who is it for?

This treatment is generally suitable for most individuals who have concerns with their barcode lip lines. However, it is essential to appreciate that complete erasure of the lines may not be possible. Additionally, if you naturally have a full or prominent upper lip area (philtrum), filler in this region may not be the best option for you. To determine the most appropriate course of action, we recommend scheduling a consultation.

If your skin has good tightness and your lips already have sufficient volume, we would recommend starting with wrinkle relaxing injections to see the improvement they can offer. These injections typically take around 2 weeks to show the full effect of treatment.

However, if you have experienced a loss of volume within or above the lips, or an increase in skin laxity, a fine filler may be recommended. In many cases, the best outcome is achieved through a combination of wrinkle relaxing injections and fillers.

While it is unlikely that we can completely erase the lines, we can significantly soften them and slow down the aging process by providing structural support and relaxing the muscles. It's important to note that there are limits to how much filler can be used for each patient.

TREATMENT + recovery

Appointment duration is 30 minutes, with the actual treatment time lasting approximately 5 minutes with very minimal downtime. The longevity of results vary; dependent on whether the area has been treated with Filler, Botox or a combination. 

frequently asked questions

  • As with any medical treatment, there are potential side effects and risks to consider. Mild bruising and swelling are common after the treatment.

    When receiving filler injections, it is normal to experience subtle bumps or irregularities in the treated area initially. Most of this is due to swelling and will gradually resolve as the filler settles and integrates with the surrounding tissues.

    If you have a history of cold sores, it is essential to inform the medical professional in advance. The use of needles in the face can potentially trigger a breakout of cold sores, so precautionary measures may be taken to minimise the risk of this happening.

    One of the more serious risks associated with filler injections is a vascular occlusion, where the filler inadvertently enters a blood vessel, blocking off the blood supply to the skin. This is a rare but serious complication that can lead to skin damage and, in extreme cases, permanent scarring or blindness. As a responsible medical clinic, we have the necessary equipment and enzymes available to reverse the vascular occlusion if it occurs. It is crucial to recognise this condition promptly, and the clinic is available for communication within the first 48 hours after the treatment to address any concerns.

  • At NÜ Clinic we use topical anaesthetic to ensure our patients are as comfortable as possible but some mild discomfort can be expected.

  • We cannot administer this treatment to individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Or those who are allergic to bee or wasp stings.

