Gummy Smile & Pebbled Chin
What does it do?
A gummy smile can be a concern for some individuals, as it involves an excessive display of gums above the upper teeth when smiling. However, there is an effective solution to improve this and enhance your smile.
Wrinkle relaxing injections are a highly effective method to address the issue of a gummy smile. The root cause of this condition is often an overactive muscle that elevates the upper lip too much.
Through carefully administered wrinkle relaxing injections, we can relax this muscle and limit the extent to which it lifts the upper lip. As a result, the appearance of the gummy smile is reduced, and your smile can become more balanced and aesthetically pleasing.
Another concern that some people may experience is a slightly 'pebbled' appearance on their chin, particularly noticeable when speaking. While this may occur naturally or develop over time, it can lead to small indentations on the skin resembling scars. Additionally, excessive muscle activity in the chin area can result in a flatter and more recessed appearance.
Fortunately, wrinkle relaxing injections targeting the chin area (mentalis muscle) can effectively address this issue. By relaxing the overactive muscle, we can smooth out the pebbled appearance and restore a more harmonious and balanced chin contour.
who is it for?
In some cases where a gummy smile is more pronounced, we may not be able to achieve a complete correction. Every patient’s response to the treatment can vary.
For patients with a particularly significant gummy smile, we might suggest combining the treatment with lip fillers. This combination can yield even better results and further enhance your smile.
When treating the pebbled appearance of the chin we can yield a more relaxed chin muscle, subtly improving the appearance of a flat or receeding chin.
TREATMENT + recovery
Appointment duration is 30 minutes, with the actual treatment time lasting approximately 5 minutes with very minimal downtime. Results vary, most patients observe a return of full muscle movement between 3-4 months.
frequently asked questions
As with any medical treatment, there are potential side effects and risks to consider. Mild bruising, and cold-like symptoms are common after the treatment. In some cases, slight asymmetry may occur, especially if there was some asymmetry present before the treatment. However, this is usually easily corrected during your follow-up appointment.
Once the Botulinum Toxin wears off, your smile will return to its previous state; it does not cause any negative long-term effects.
Most patients do not find muscle relaxing injections painful, but some mild discomfort is to be expected.
It is essential to note that allergies to Botulinum toxin are extremely rare. For the safety of our clients, we cannot administer this treatment to individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have any concerns or questions about the suitability of this treatment for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation to explore your options further.